

i did my reading tonight. it wasn't really a reading.

a while back i started writing a new story, specifically for this run. i got 2/3 through and was called away by life. when i came back to it, i wasn't particularly impressed with what i saw. so i sat on it, being mostly tied up by work all week. at some point i decided to read a finished story ('maybe rising tides', or possibly 'rising tides', i don't remember what form it reached here in), and spent most of the afternoon looking it over and tweaking it.

it was at around 6:00pm that i realized my thumb hurt too much to write it out longhand for the reading, as had been my plan, and i had no time to go anywhere to print it out. i considered using a laptop on stage, but then i would just be reading from a computer. (the others were reading from paper, or in one case a cell phone, so a laptop wouldn't have been particularly out of place - i might use this in a while.) so i decided to wing it. after another minute of looking through 'maybe rising tides', i realized i'd likely get too hung up on trying to remember the exact wording of it. so i said, fuck it, go with a half-written story and wing the whole things. so i told the spectrum story.

i stumbled a bit at the end. i felt good about it, though, as a 'closing act' or 'headliner', which i didn't particularly expect.

i also pulled a piece of dried noodle out of my finger today. i'm a good surgeon.

i should've bought food on the way home. no matter.

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