
blue twilight

this blue twilight din
comes in waves
when acting as a
compliment to the
it caresses
moving in step
across all downtowns

it is not the wind;
for the wind is fickle

this blue twilight din
contrasts rush hour lullabyes
coaxing us to
nod our heads
to rhythms or
the tune of sleep

it makes pillows of damp street corners
and palaces out of underpasses
from within its thrall
all houses seem wanting

this is the romance
in empty stomachs

this is the siren's song
of railroads, boxcars and harmonicas

this is where we all go
when the grace of god has been lifted
and gravity takes hold at the crossroads
dragging us inexorably south
for the winter

this blue twilight din
is ringing in my bones
calling me outside
to wander

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