
leap day

(2:20pm, wed29feb)

as we humor this soft false spring,
breeze carrying seasonal memories
both real and wrapped in fiction -
open roads through unknown lands,
mountains mistaken for clouds -
we find ourselves again by the sea,
no longer an icy maw of blistering cold
but a gorgeous blank canvas, upon which
is painted all the thousand places
we could've met, or should've, or could've.

while the prophets insist,
no matter what,
we would not have,

"take only what you need,"
so of course we took it all;
"be careful what you see,"
so it was everything we saw;
"go quiet when you leave,"
so we screamed our way home,
lured by barely-forgotten melodies
played on barely-tuned pianos.

but on the way we fell in love
with all the fairies we were warned of,
and summoned sultry succubi
to clean up all our excess lust -
yet even so, the flood gates burst,
and as the weather remembered its way
the streets were buried 'neath miles
of raw, unleashed emotion.

when the storm broke,
i heard your whispered
wish for immortality
and obliged, as only i can;
for within these lined confines
you will forever smile
in springtime sun,
forever young,
and in love.

simply because i say so.

thunder claps,
the blizzard begins.


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