

here's the pitch, the whole thing condensed into storytime for children in the future. there may be discrepencies, and it just sorta trails off at the end, but that is because i wrote it very, very late at night, while very high. i could barely see the screen by the end, and when i went back to read it the next morning, i was amazed that it wasn't pure gibberish.

it's called 'maybe rising tides', and you can read it by clicking here.

now, here's the research material, gathered both before and since writing that. my research material, as you can see, is about half pictures, one quarter news, and one quarter adventure. plus music.

Piece about the tiny island of Nauru
Piece about island nations worried about rising water levels
Photo essay about a Mexican ghost town
Photo essay about extreme weather in the past year
Indie journalist recounts Vancouver riots, with pictures
Wiki entry for the album 'At The Soundless Dawn', by Red Sparowes
Youtube link for the first song off said album

so go ahead and check all that shit out, and come back in a month or four to see how it distills... though i've got some other shit on backburner that might happen first.

related note: i've been asked to do a reading at the Liquid Burning of Apocalyptic Bard Letters sometime in july. i was actually asked to do it for june, but with only a few days notice i couldn't get off work. i might do a slight rewrite of rising tides for it. so if somehow you have that magic combination of 'reading this' and 'live in chicago', maybe i'll see you there.

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